Digging for victory?

We’ve published a number of posts about the need to localise food production to ensure that we, the people, have greater control over it rather than the government or the corporations. Here they are as follows:

Food self sufficiency in action

Food deserts, food supply and taking back control

A few thoughts on allotment provision and guerilla gardening

Keeping it local and under our control

As you will gather from these posts, we’re pretty passionate about localising food production. This is because, as we’ve written before, whoever controls the food supply controls the population. When food production is decentralised and localised, it’s a lot harder for government and the corporations to exert their malign control over us. Also, localised food production is a lot less vulnerable to disruption than the complex, ‘just in time’ supply chain we have at the moment.

If you have been following the news, you will be aware that certain elements among those who presume to rule over us, plus their mates in the media, are talking up the prospect of war with Russia within the next decade or so. The drumbeats of war are getting worryingly louder. The propaganda war is already underway. This is on top of the ongoing clusterf**k in the Middle East that the UK has allowed itself to be sucked into. We’ve written about this drift towards a state of war on our sister blog, Stirrings from below here: Militarism = Authoritarianism 28.1.24 and here: Are we being nudged towards a war with Russia? 24.1.24.

There has been a fair bit of coverage about the increasing threat of war with Russia in the mainstream media. Among this, there have been some pieces speculating on what the impact of war would be on the population of the UK. This is one such piece: What war could mean for life in modern Britain – Colin Freeman | The Telegraph | 27.1.24. Amongst the impacts discussed, food security is one of them. It has been pointed out that given how much food we currently import, an all out war with Russia could mean strict rationing and shortages in the face of supply chains being attacked and disrupted. To counter this, it’s been suggested that the UK seriously starts to rely less on imports and more on home grown and produced food.

As you can see, it could be made out by some mischievous elements that there’s an overlap between our principles of decentralising and localising food production on the one hand, and on the other, those advocating for more home produced food to counter the threat of severe supply chain disruption in the event of war. We want to make it abundantly clear that there is in fact, no such overlap. We are not going to allow our principles about food production and supply to be co-opted into a nationalistic ‘Dig For Victory’ campaign. If anyone does ever attempt to do this, we will be issuing a pretty strong rebuke to them.

A ‘Dig For Victory’ campaign is essentially the state marshalling our labour to fulfil their malevolent war aims. It has absolutely nothing to do with our principles of the decentralisation and localisation of food production which is aimed at lessening and eventually eliminating our dependence on the state and the corporations, neither of which have our interests at heart. We hope that is abundantly clear to all of our supporters and readers and also, any warmongers who may be tempted to co-opt and twist our principles to suit their nefarious aims.

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